Ancient Insights

AI Meets The Bible

Explore the ancient text like never before and uncover its relevance for today's world. Get ready for a fun, engaging, and enlightening experience like no other.

Introducing Ancient Insights

Your ultimate Bible study sidekick for a journey of discovery & clarification.

Let’s face it, trying to understand the Bible can be overwhelming, especially when you’re dealing with books that are literally 2,000+ years old and written in languages and cultures that went the way of the dinosaurs a long time ago.

But fear not, because with Rav (he’s our AI-powered Bible nerd), you’ll be able to unlock the secrets of the scriptures without needing a degree in archaeology.

Your virtual study companion helps bridge the gap between the ancient Jewish and modern western worlds. It’s like having a time machine, except you don’t have to actually visit a time when there was no Chick-Fil-A.

Now there’s more guessing, no more confusion. Just ancient wisdom made accessible for the 21st century. So join us on this journey of rediscovery and understanding – let’s get this party started!

Get This

Jesus was Jewish

Yeah duh, Captain Obvious...But then maybe take a much Jewish do you know?

To Get WHAT The Bible Teaches...'ve got to....

...Get HOW the Bible teaches

...which is very different than how 21st century America teaches

Ancient Insights Helps You To:

Learn How They Learned
Discover the cultural, historical, and linguistic context of the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of the original meaning behind the text. How did these ancient cultures actually teach and learn, and how does that change how we read scripture? With Ancient Insights, you'll be able to see the Bible through the eyes of those who lived it, helping you correctly apply its lessons to your life today.
Understand What They Understood
Get to the heart of the message and understand it in its proper context. With Ancient Insights, you'll gain the tools to interpret scripture in its historical and cultural setting, unlocking deeper meanings and insights that you might otherwise miss.
So You Can Love How God Loves
Grow in your faith by seeing the Bible's message in a new light. By understanding the context and culture of the time, you'll gain a fresh perspective on God's teachings and how they can transform your life today. Ancient Insights helps you build a deeper relationship with God by bringing the Bible to life in a new way.

So, What Would We Say It Is We Do Here?

Meet The Bible

The Bible is the most important text in human history, an unimaginable collection of divinely-inspired wisdom passed down by the Jewish people over thousands of years.

It's Really Old

The last verses were written 2,000 years ago and the world has since changed…like, a lot. I mean they didn’t even have Starbucks back then. It wasn’t written for a 21st century western audience, so when we read as people living in the 21st century west, it’s easy to misinterpret.


That disconnect has caused very real problems throughout history. For example, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Salem Witch Trials, or Kirk Cameron movies…

Meet Rav

Your AI Bible-study companion, Rav, is here to help bridge the gap between the Bible’s ancient context and modern relevance. Just chat like you would with any friend who has the entire Library of Congress memorized.

Modern Tech - Ancient Bridge

Powered by artificial intelligence, Rav can instantly cross-reference any passage with the rest of the Bible as well as millions of pages of ancient writings and modern archaeological data t0 bridge that 2,000 year gap (although it might be a sketchy 2,000 year old rope bridge so just be careful)

Dig In

Rav is designed to empower you to understand scripture how the authors intended without needing PhD’s in Greek, Hebrew and ancient history. Our goal is to make context-driven Bible study accessible and enjoyable for people of all backgrounds. Ready to dig in?