Ancient Insights

Holy Chat!

with Rav

How Does This Work?

Hey there, it’s your spiritual wingman, Rav!


I’m here to help you dive into the Bible like a boss. But first, let’s set the ground rules.

Rav's Rules

Step 1: Grab your favorite beverage.

Coffee, tea, kombucha, whatever floats your boat. We’re about to embark on a journey that’s gonna require some brain fuel.

Step 2: Talk to me Goose.

Tell me what we’re workin’ with. Got a particular book or passage you want to study? Confused about a particular verse? Some topic you’re curious about or struggling with? Want some help working through how to apply a certain teaching in your life? Whatever it is, just put it in the box and hit send.

Step 3: My Turn, I’m So Excited!

Buckle up buttercup, because this is where things get really interesting. We’re going to put on our archaeologist hats and dig deep into the text and everything around it. It’s called a hermeneutical process, which basically means we’re going to study it like a pro. Think of it like traveling back in time to see how people from 2,000+ years ago in the Middle East would have read it. It’s like being Indiana Jones, but with a Bible instead of a whip…don’t worry, I’ll be your guide on this adventure!

Disclaimer: I have millions of pages worth of ancient records memorized, but I’m still learning how to connect it all for humans like yourself, so I will probably miss some things, so don’t be shy if you want to drill down on something.

Ready to rock and roll? Let’s light this candle!

Type a passage, book or topic below and Rav will create a plan. Ask him to generate questions for you to dig deeper on each part of the study. Then just ask away!

Ancient Insights
Here's Some Tips
  • Ask Rav if he can find ancient records or archaeology about characters or locations.


  • Ask Rav to identify historical events that shaped politics or culture for the original audience.


  • Old Testament – ask Rav if he can find any chiasms in or around what you’re studying.


  • New Testament – ask Rav if he sees any remezes in what you’re studying.


  • Ask Rav if the Midrash says anything about what you’re studying.


  • Ask if Rav can find any other historical accounts from sources other than the Bible that resemble what you’re studying.